AAPL 241.54 1.9715% MSFT 408.54 -0.1222% NVDA 135.025 2.9625% GOOGL 184.08 0.256% GOOG 185.9503 0.2806% AMZN 228.68 -0.1092% META 722.78 -0.3584% AVGO 232.395 -1.6734% LLY 871.95 -0.1168% TSLA 351.1 4.3357% TSM 201.8233 -2.2079% V 353.5047 0.5732% JPM 274.89 -0.2033% UNH 529.15 0.3318% NVO 78.985 -3.4295% WMT 104.4714 0.8314% LVMUY 147.59 1.9831% XOM 108.06 0.6614% LVMHF 736.55 1.5371% MA 564.34 -0.0461%
The historical performance is a combination of many macro and micro parameters. Past returns should be used to judge the quality of a portfolio but not to predict its future performance
Kalkine US Diversified Opportunities Portfolio
Performance of Kalkine's US Diversified Opportunities Portfolio over the time frame
Data Source: Kalkine, REFINITIV, for respective period mentioned above.
Kalkine US Diversified Opportunities Portfolio
Below is a snippet of the methodology used for KALKINE Portfolio Performance Calculation
KALKINE US Diversified Opportunities Portfolio Performance (Year-on-Year)
Recommendations under Kalkine’s US Diversified Opportunities Portfolio (Hypothetical) for the year 2021-2022 (period from 14 April 2021 to 13 April 2022).
Generally speaking, Kalkine US Diversified Opportunities Portfolio represents a hypothetical portfolio, and this consists of stocks that appear to be providing good value while commanding decent valuations and investors can benefit from portfolio diversification across the different stock market categorization, sectors and recurring income generating stocks (Dividend stocks).
Our Portfolio is hypothetical, and our performance figures are based on recommendations from Kalkine US Diversified Opportunities Reports using stock prices at the date of publication.
It is also prudent to note that performance of stocks included in Kalkine US Diversified Opportunities Portfolio (Hypothetical) has been calculated based on their price values during the specific time period in order to give ‘as-on-date’ performance picture.
Where a stock has been recommended multiple times, the average price is taken into consideration. We might need to provide update on a stock several times during a year or for the length of coverage and for that reason the average BUY price is taken into consideration.
Performance figures quoted do not take into account transaction fees and charges. The profits or losses are hypothetical and include dividends or distribution for the length of the coverage until the recommendation is designated as closed.
The performance has been verified by an independent accounting firm.
All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual stocks recommended by Kalkine before making a purchase decision. In addition, investors are advised that past stock performance is no guarantee of future price appreciation.
We encourage you to think of investing as a long-term pursuit.
Note: For any benchmark index return, proportional dividend yields have been taken onto account as per the information available
Kalkine Portfolio Performance USA
Fast-track guide to how our portfolio performed during 2021-2022
Data Source: Kalkine, REFINITIV, for respective period mentioned above.
Hit Ratio refers to number of stocks yielding positive returns (greater than 0%) divided by total number of stocks covered during the review period i.e. ?from 14th April 2021 to 13th April 2022.
Kalkine Performance Methodology
Recommendations under our product portfolio (Hypothetical) for the year 2021 (from April 14th, 2021, till April 13th, 2022) have been used for the calculations presented in the section ' Kalkine Product Portfolio Performance- USA
Disclaimer: For any benchmark index return, proportional dividend yields have been taken into account as per the information available.
Kalkine Global Green Energy Portfolio
Fast track guide to how we performed over the last one year:-
Kalkine Global Fully Charged Portfolio
Performance of Kalkine's Global Fully Charged over the time frame
Data Source: Kalkine, REFINITIV, for respective period mentioned above
Note 1: The performance numbers do not take into account any transaction fees or charges levied
Note 2: Hypothetical performance may differ materially from results or returns ultimately achieved. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Performance of Kalkine's Global Big Money Portfolio over the time frame
Note 1: The performance numbers do not take into account any transaction fees or charges levied.
Note 2: Hypothetical performance may differ materially from results or returns ultimately achieved. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.