MSFT 425.025 -0.9035% AAPL 220.43 0.8648% NVDA 115.85 1.4004% GOOGL 172.44 -0.1101% GOOG 174.27 -0.0573% AMZN 182.99 1.1945% META 460.09 -0.2558% AVGO 152.64 0.859% TSLA 224.8499 4.102% TSM 161.61 1.1327% LLY 823.56 -4.2238% V 257.56 1.3338% JPM 209.535 0.453% UNH 562.83 0.5502% NVO 129.31 -1.7401% WMT 70.206 -0.5581% LVMUY 143.15 0.9022% XOM 116.85 1.5999% LVMHF 714.04 0.4982% MA 436.96 1.0429%


Book Profit on this NASDAQ-Listed Consumer Discretionary Stock: Inc

Jul 29, 2022 | Team Kalkine
Book Profit on this NASDAQ-Listed Consumer Discretionary Stock: Inc Inc, Inc. provides a range of products and services to customers. Products from both its own third-party vendors and those acquired by it for resale are available through its E-store.

As per the previous recommendation on AMZN as of June 14, 2022, a ‘Buy’ rating was recommended on the stock at USD 103.67 in the “American Tech” Report based on “the company's fundamentals, robust top-line results, positive outlook, associated risks, and target price of USD 130.78 as per the EV/Sales multiple based valuation” and the stock has moved around 32.61% since then. Noted below are the details of support and resistance provided in the previous report and as can be seen, the price has now moved above the Resistance 2 level.

AMZN’s Daily Chart

Considering the resistance, target level attainment, current trading levels, and volatile market condition on the back of rising interest rates as well as the recently announced positive financial results already priced in with a gap up on the market opening, a “Sell” rating is assigned on the “AMZN” stock at the current market price of USD 137.48, as of July 29, 2022, at 07:30 AM PDT.

Markets are trading in a highly volatile zone currently due to certain macro-economic and geopolitical tensions prevailing. Therefore, it is prudent to follow a cautious approach while investing.

Note 1: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 

Note 2: The reference data in this report has been partly sourced from REFINITIV.

Note 3: Investment decisions should be made depending on an individual's appetite for upside potential, risks, holding duration, and any previous holdings. An 'Exit' from the stock can be considered if the Target Price mentioned as per the Valuation and or the technical levels provided has been achieved and is subject to the factors discussed above.

Note 4: The report publishing date is as per the Pacific Time Zone.